
Why do we Lie?

Lying destroys relationships and damages the bonds between human beings. The Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (2016) states that "we all lie, but not all lies are the same. People lie to achieve a goal: WE LIE IF [we believe]...

Shame on Me

Many of us have grown to adulthood with child-based shame thoughts. Our self confidence can be readily undermined when these “little boy” or “little girl” thoughts creep in. These thoughts seem to have a life of their own and frequently...

Speak Up Ladies!!

Many women are losing their marriages and they don’t know it. Many women have interpersonal needs, which are not being met in their marital relationship. They probably have friends with whom they share the emotional side of their lives. This...

Wake up Guys!!

Many guys are losing their marriages and they don’t know it. Gone is the day when a guy can work and "bring home the bacon" and think that he is fulfilling his role as a husband and father. That may...

To Love is to Prune

Psychologist: “You seem to keep a lot of your concerns to yourself. How about opening up more with your spouse?” Client: “I don’t like to make waves.” P: “You mean you don’t want a hassle?” C: “I don’t like to...

The Challenge of Being Single Again

It can be a huge challenge to be “single again” after years of marriage. Divorce rates are at an all time high and may even be getting worse. Many people are alone again after years of being married. Major adjustments...