Jean-Claude Bazinet

No Bones About It: Dogs are good for our health, even in the therapy room!

"Please bring him back if you can, he makes such a positive difference." a client says to me at the end of the hour, much to my surprise, after the unexpected addition of my dog to a therapy session. This...
Teenage Girl Visits Doctor's Office Suffering With Depression

Do Your Homework

As an old proverbs states « Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand. » In a few words, this wise saying reminds us that discussion, reflection or analysis are not sufficient to...

Heritage Languages: Tapping a “Hidden” Resource

Our children are born with the ability to become bilingual, if not multilingual. Yet the majority of children will never speak more than one language. And this is true for the majority of Canadian children born of parents who speak...
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In the Company of Each Other

When our children are difficult or when we are disappointed by their behaviours, we may sometimes seek assistance from our loved ones. We may also read a book on parenting to get some guidance to better understand what we could...