Denis Boyd


Boomer Upgrade

Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1965) are entering into their "winter years" and in the process are facing a variety of stressors which they may not know how to manage. Mis-managed stress (distress) can contribute to a variety of mental and...
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Smartphone Addiction

The headline in the Globe and Mail read, "Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial and unhealthy. So why can't you put it down?" by Eric Andrew-Gee. As I began to read the article I became alarmed by the research...

You Gotta Do the Work

  I woke up on a recent Saturday morning feeling tired and lethargic. I thought of my list of things-to-do and decided that the best course of action was to enjoy my coffee in my easy chair. This plan didn’t...

Marriage Can Be Miserable

When a couple marries, they can be truly miserable if they follow a few simple rules! When life is busy and stress levels are high, it is important to “do one’s own thing.” Take time to unwind and relax; this...

Male Midlife Crisis? Is It a Myth?

Do men go through a midlife crisis? Is there research to support such a concept or is this an "urban legend?" The books "Passages" and "Seasons of a Man's Life" were published several years ago but were based on small...

Technology Divides

We gathered our children and grandchildren and headed to the west coast of Vancouver Island for a short family vacation. As in the past, we were anticipating the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and remove ourselves from the demands...

In Marriage It’s All About Balance

Compatibility comes up for discussion with couples, particularly when they are struggling. Their differences in personality and attitude appear to be so great that they begin to question the viability of their relationship. They begin to fear that they are...
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Water Water Everywhere

I recently heard a statistic about water and sanitation that shocked me deeply: more men, women and children become ill and die from dirty water than any other cause. Even if you consider all the nasty illnesses in the world...

The Key to Marital Success

What two attitudes are necessary to create and maintain a successful marriage? Both spouses must be open to growth and they must make their marriage the top priority. Many couples are surprised to learn that they have the opportunity to...

Questions that Arise When a Loved One Dies

Why is it taking so long for me to feel better? You may be asking this question of yourself after only a short time following the death of a loved one. Grief feels crazy at times and you want it...