

7 Tips to Help You Process tough Emotions

What exactly does it mean to "process your feelings?". It is certainly very common advice, and generally we tend to believe this to be true - identifying our emotions and expressing them in healthy ways is an important part of...

No Bones About It: Dogs are good for our health, even in the therapy room!

"Please bring him back if you can, he makes such a positive difference." a client says to me at the end of the hour, much to my surprise, after the unexpected addition of my dog to a therapy session. This...

Medication-Free Management of Insomnia

It’s three a.m. and you need to be up by six a.m. to get to work on time. You’ve tried puzzles, music and warm milk, but nothing is working. The thought of facing the workday with aching muscles, a foggy...

Up In Flames – part 2

About three and a half years ago I wrote the article: 'Up In Flames' that can be found at It was written shortly after my apartment burned down and shares my experience navigating through that challenging life event. This...

Five Habits of ‘Anxiety Resilient’ People

Why are so many people struggling with anxiety? This was the question posed to me by a good friend over coffee this week, who was concerned about the levels of anxiety she was seeing in her workplace colleagues. With all...

The Mental Health Boot Camp

Think about it. Your mental health plays a role in EVERY area of your life: relationships, work, physical health, spirituality, even sex. Isn't it time you made it a priority? The Mental Health Boot Camp is a new and engaging...

Why do we Lie?

Lying destroys relationships and damages the bonds between human beings. The Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (2016) states that "we all lie, but not all lies are the same. People lie to achieve a goal: WE LIE IF [we believe]...

Empathy and Mirror Neurons

Empathy differs from sympathy. Sympathy reflects an understanding of another person' situation- but viewed through your own eyes. In contrast, empathy is what you feel when you can step outside of yourself and enter the internal world of another person....

Using Pop Culture to Impact Positive Change – Part 2

Welcome back! In Pop Culture Part 1, I discussed how, when connecting with children/youth, I utilize pop culture to: 1) develop and enhance rapport, and 2) gather information in regard to values, traits and indicators of resiliency. Please go to...

How Are Strong Marriages Like Healthy Gardens?

This is a question that I often put to couples who attend the premarital workshops I present. I like the question because it requires what are called "higher order thinking skills" - a more effective way of engaging new information...