
Using Pop Culture to Impact Positive Change – Part 2
Welcome back! In Pop Culture Part 1, I discussed how, when connecting with children/youth, I utilize pop culture to: 1) develop and enhance rapport, and 2) gather information in regard to values, traits and indicators of resiliency. Please go to...

Nature is Good For Us
How fortunate we are to live in a rain forest! Even as I'm sitting at my computer, looking out the window at the snow, sleet and grey skies, I'm grateful. Not for the grey skies, but for the trees surrounding...

Summertime Internet Safety
“Something is not right” Barb was sharing with her friend Jill over coffee, “Jessica is on the computer every night for hours, and when she is not on the computer, she’s on her cell phone.” Jill gave an empathetic groan,...

Chasing Happiness
"I just want to be happy." "The thing I wish for my kids is that they would be happy." These are common statements that people give to explain why they decided to engage in therapy. We all love to be...

Technology Divides
We gathered our children and grandchildren and headed to the west coast of Vancouver Island for a short family vacation. As in the past, we were anticipating the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and remove ourselves from the demands...

Internet Addiction
Karen has taken on the primary role of caring for her home and her three young children. Her husband works long hours and occasionally travels away from home on business. After her children have gone to bed Karen has become...